RCC Staffing Solution USA delves to create opportunities for international teachers around the globe connecting their aspiration of teaching in some of the 50 American states. We offer J1 and H1B Visa sponsorship to international teachers, which would make a lot of difference in maximizing the American teaching experience.

Our Mission

Create Opportunities

To create opportunities and promote an adequate number of services to our dear clients.

Global Connections

To Connect with professionals (teaching professionals) all over the globe.

Inspire your Dream

To Inspire every individual of living their American dream.

Achieve Client Goals

To Envision putting our people and client at the center of our services and aspirations all the time.


Our chapter started in 2021, when we began with modest research, part-time work, and active collaboration with neighbors and coworkers. As soon as we discovered a potential market, we pushed further and engaged in intensive knowledge generation. Few people initially supported the company because they believed in the proprietors’ rational perspective, objectives, and aspirations. The company is motivated by the founders’ dedication, hard-work, influence, and teamwork. The turning point is to help achieve one common goal, that every professional and international teacher around the world would reach their American dream.

Our Services

  • Advance Referral Program to American state schools, public and charter schools.

  • J1 visa process and assistance ( end to end process).

  • H1B visa process and assistance (end to end process).

  • Overseas Employment Certificate (if applicable) a certification that would be issued before you can fly to your American destination.

  • Foreign Credential Evaluation Processing (Affiliated with RCC Document Processing Services company).

  • State licensing process and assistance. (Affiliated to RCC Document Processing Services company).

Contact Us

As of the moment, we offer a weekly consultation program on an appointment basis via zoom seminar sessions. You can message us directly through our accounts on Instagram, Facebook, or here on our official Website. Refer to the link and pages below.

We count you in! Our team is close enough to reach out to you when necessary.

We Lead the way to your American Dream.